
"got a steamy cup of joe and chat friends, life is good."

Chat Events and Times

Hybridizer Chat-Chat with selected top hybridizers Wednesdays at 7PM EST Starting Sept 7th

Morning Chat-Grab a cup of joe and chat. Most people arrive starting around 8AM EST

Evening Chat-Grab a glass of wine and enjoy the company of other daylily people evenings 7PM EST


If you have a complaint about another member and wish to report it please specifiy the nickname and the date and time. Please remember all conversations are logged both yours and theirs. Click on the contact link to send an email.

Problems signing in

If you are having problems signing in please check to make sure that your userid and password are exactly as they are in your confirmation email, information is case sensitive. If you are still having issues please email us using the contact button above. If you have not been in chat for a long time your ID may have been removed. Just use the register button to signup again.

Any problems with the chat room? Please email Webmaster@hemchat.com